Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Mesopotamia, Egypt and China Essay - 871 Words

The civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and China were all different but were also developed similar ways of doing things. The political, economic and intellectual outlooks of these ancient peoples say a lot about their ways of life. The religious views of Egypt and Mesopotamia were rather different. II. Politics The political thinking of these ancient civilizations definitely had their differences and also their similarities. A. Mesopotamia Mesopotamia was divided into city-states. They saw each city-state as a divine copy of heaven on earth. They viewed kingship as divine in origin. One could also view Mesopotamia as a primitive democracy. They had a consul responsible for everyday affairs and a government to administer†¦show more content†¦Mesopotamians developed specialized crafts and supported private entrepreneurship. They also were involved in foreign and domestic trade. B. Egypt Egypt’s economy was also based on agriculture. Egypt grew prosperous from the surplus of food from the fertile Nile valley. Egyptians developed industries and began to engage in trade. They traded their metalwork, crops for resources with surrounding civilizations like Mesopotamia. C. China The economy of ancient China was based on agriculture. China was made up of farming villages along its rivers. Manufacturing and trade were carried out by merchants and artisans in walled towns. The economies of these civilizations all started with agriculture. From there they developed industries and began to trade. IV. Intellectual The civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and China all contributed their own intellectual outlooks and advances to history. A. Mesopotamia Mesopotamia developed a form of writing known as cuneiform. Their writing evolved from pictures into signs. Mesopotamians used writing mainly for record keeping. They would put business transactions into writing and had a written code of law. 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